
Residential Vastu

Vastu Tips For Bedroom | Master Bedroom Vastu |

Oct 23, 2020 . by Admin . 220 views

Bedroom is the most important place in the house. This is where people spend most of their time. Especially during night when we are asleep and our subconscious mind is in the most receptive state, the energy present in the bedroom affects us the most.

The Vastu of the bedroom not only affects us physically but also has a profound effect on our subconscious mind. In such a situation, a Vastu compliant bedroom makes the person and his subconscious mind feel absolutely calm and safe at bedtime.

vastu tips for master bedroom

The Following Type of Bedroom Is Considered Vastu Friendly-


1- Southwest is the best direction for Master Bedroom and it must be used by the head of the family. (In case of a multistory house the master bedroom should be in the southwest corner of the top floor.)

2- Apart from this, bedrooms built in the west or south directions are also good in vastu.

3- Square or Rectangular shapes are considered the best choice for a bedroom.

4- The arrangement of the bed should be such that your head is towards the south while sleeping.

5- You can also keep your head towards east, while sleeping.

6- Keeping your head in the west direction is the third option if the first two options are not available.

7- The height of the bedroom must be at least 10 feet or more. And the size of the Master bedroom should be bigger than other room of the house.

8- There should be an adequate arrangement of natural light and air.

9- Minimum area for an ideal bedroom is 180 square feet.

10- You should always keep your bed in the south, southwest or west direction of the room.

11- Keep the bed slightly away from the walls of the room.

12- Place the heavy furniture in the south or west direction of the bedroom.

13- Television should be placed on the northern wall.

14- The master bedroom should be at the maximum distance from the main gate.

15- The bedroom should have only one entrance. [ Also Read - @Main-Gate-Vastu ]

16- Keep the entrance of the bedroom towards the North-Northeast or East-Northeast.

17- For the purpose of cross ventilation and smooth flow of energy there should be windows in the opposite direction of the entrance door of the bedroom.

18- Always keep the Brahmasthan (center point of the room) of the bedroom empty and clean.

19- Place the heater or any fire related objects in the southeast corner of the room.

20- Air Conditioner in the bedroom should ideally be placed on the south or west wall.

master bedroom vastu tips

Things To Avoid While Constructing Bedroom–


1- Constructing the master bedroom in the northeast direction is not at all good for the head of the family.

2- Bedroom in the southeast direction is considered negative for the couples. [ Read Vastu For Married Couples - @Married-Life-Vastu ]

3- Apart from this, northwest corner of the house is also a bad option for the master bedroom as per the vastu principles.

4- If there is any type of beam, arch or heavy construction above the bed, it will have negative effects on the person who is sleeping under it.

5- Placing the bed in front of the door will have adverse effects on the sleeping person.

6- Don’t hang a mirror in front of the bed. But, if you can’t move the mirror to somewhere else than at least cover it with a cloth while sleeping.

7- Keeping the head in north direction while sleeping is not considered good.

8- Avoid painting your bedroom walls with very dark or bright colors, especially if the size of the bedroom is small.

9- Never use negative, gruesome or scary paintings on the walls of the bedroom.

10- Having no arrangement of natural air and light in the bedroom blocks the flow of positive energy into the room.

11- Southwest direction for the bedroom door must be avoided.

Our subconscious mind works continuously, but it becomes more receptive in the night when we go to bed. And there is a natural transition between our conscious mind into our subconscious mind when we fall asleep. It's our subconscious mind which directly connects with the infinite. 

That is the reason why everybody in their childhood have been taught to think about positive things before going to bed. 

[ You Can Read All Important Vastu Articles Here - @Vastu-Tips ]

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